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The Friends of St John the Baptist Church Findon is a charitable trust for the restoration, preservation, repair, maintenance and improvement of church and of the monuments, fittings, fixtures, stained glass, furniture, ornaments and chattels in the church and of the churchyard. Our only goal is to secure the long-term existence of the church and its property for the enjoyment of future generations.

Becoming a member

For as little as £10 per annum you can become a member of the Friends of Findon Church, and help to ensure the church and churchyard are maintained and improved for the benefit of visitors. If interested, please print, complete and return the Application Form

Leaving a legacy

You can also help protect the church for future generations by making a donation or bequest. For further details, please see Leaving a Legacy

FRIENDS OF ST JOHN THE BAPTIST CHURCH, FINDON is a charity and it has been entered into the Register of Charities with the Regsitered Charity Number 1183075  

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