About Us
As with all historic buildings and especially places of worship built many hundreds of years ago, St John’s is regularly in need of constant attention if the fabric – internally and externally, is to be properly maintained. The church PCC (Parochial Church Council) has ultimate responsibility but they need the support of the much wider community to supplement the donations received from the congregation which, in common with the vast majority of church congregations in this country, is sadly fairly small and dwindling, thus putting at risk the safe retention of these wonderful buildings and the legacy of the craftsmanship that created them.
Alongside weekly, monthly and annual running costs, churches typically suffer from exceptional or extraordinary costs on a regular basis; the only real exceptional aspect to them however is that they occur with constant frequency: One year it’s the church roof the next year it’s the boiler that needs replacing followed by a rewiring of the ancient and condemned wiring! As you can well imagine, all and any of these require very substantial financial undertakings.
You can help us in this ongoing task by becoming a member of “The Friends” and be part of this very important, local and worthwhile cause to safeguard the future of our wonderful heritage. Membership and any donations or event sponsorship will greatly help defray these costs and ensure that those that come after us will likewise enjoy their heritage. AND if you are a UK taxpayer and eligible to Gift Aid your membership fee or other donations or sponsorship – by completing the relevant declaration, this will increase the value of your gift by 25p for every £1.00 given at no extra cost to you or “The Friends”.

The Committee
To oversee the organisation and management of the Friends of Findon Church, a committee is in place comprising the following;
Honorary Officers:
President: Reverend Helena Buque
Chairman: Gerald Hibbs
Vice Chairman: Chris Frost
Secretary: Ian Watts
Treasurer and Membership Secretary: Ian Hollyhomes
Tessa McCormick
Irene Adams
Caroline Hill
Rhoderick Henderson
Findon Churchwardens
For those interested, please check out the Committee Constitution